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Singapore Government’s Virtual World

Singapore Odyssey 2010 is a virtual world created by the Singapore government, via their special department the Info-Communications Development Authority, to both market the country as the site of the upcoming Youth Olympics, as well as experiment with how to create a virtual world to do just that.

I have gone into the world briefly, and encourages others to do so, as it is an interesting hybrid world: it is a social world on par with Second Life and Twinity, but it also has a gaming aspect to it that rivals sports games for console systems.  As these series of screenshots will show, the world is designed for at least three functions that I have experienced: social interaction with other users, museum-like information displays, and games simulating the sports of the Olympics.

For the most part, the controls are similar to other social worlds, as the arrow keys control movement and the mouselook is utilized to move the camera.  For the gaming sessions, the keys are similar to other MMORPGs in the use of AWSD and SPACE bar — although the arrow keys work just as well.  The movement is a bit too quick, in that it can be hard to not overdo a movement when walking, and there does not appear to be any type of tutorial like Second Life, making this world more akin with Twinity (who also has a mirror Singapore in their world).

Overall, it is an interesting world, created for a particular purpose by a government, and perhaps indicates future such collaborations between designers, government, and special interests.  If anyone knows of other instances of governments being involved in the design of virtual worlds, then please let us know.

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Continuing the Discussion

  1. Singapore and Virtual Worlds – Virtual Worlds Research Project linked to this post on 2010/07/05

    [...] this year I reported on a virtual world the Singapore government had created for the upcoming premiere of the Youth [...]

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