In an earlier post, CarrieLynn asked “Do these facebook apps qualify to be virtual worlds? And why or why not?”. Here’s Raph Koster’s answer (very much worth reading in its entirety!) – it goes something like this: yes, of course they do, but then again: virtual worlds are not what they used to become.
Koster identify three core qualities intrinsic to the old virtual world-paradigm (SL/WoW-style worlds):
- Placeness
- Psudonymity
- Synchronous interaction and strong tie
- and then predicts: “Any application where you can ‘pick two’ will likely migrate away from virtual worlds, because the presence of the third is a barrier, not a benefit”. Facebook games provide examples: “Hey, there’s [Facebook game] a place that feels like a world, strongly weak-tie driven, without pseudonymity issues, and yet they carry with them all that praxis, all that other stuff that was elaborations on the core virtual world concept. It’s like a virtual world, “with the bad bits removed””
The post ends on a slightly sentimental note:
“For those of us who dream of a place we can’t possibly be, doing things we couldn’t do, as someone else, with friends… well, we’re a little bit out of luck. We’ll always have our Avalons and our Lost Worlds. They’re just not the future anymore.”
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